Have You Numbered 2019 Yet?

There is a scriptural saying that says ‘’Teach us to number our days’’. I have come to realize that the year does not really bring anything special for us; we are the ones to bring out something from the year. It’s our responsibility to ensure that we achieve all that we want to achieve this year.

Over the years, even till date many people gets overly excited early in the New Year, people talk about their New Year resolutions, their New Year goals, and aspirations, their plans etc. But as the year goes on their zeal and passion dims and they end up not achieving as much as they had planned in the beginning of the year. Now the problem is not the lack of ideas or physical strength, a lot of our youths are very innovative, intelligent, industrious, smart and highly energetic, so why don’t we achieve much?

Recently I had a conversation with a youth, she told me and I quote’’ people of my generation think they have enough time, we are young, that’s why we can lounge a lot, we can date someone that we know doesn’t have any future ambition, many of us just play through life, because we think we have enough time’’. Now this is sad, although this is not the same for everyone, but at least this is the way she and her circle of friends think.  So this brings me to the saying that says ‘’teach us to number our days’’.

We need to realize that we are actually spending the days, and the days are quite few, so why waste it doing nothing of value. Some of us were not taught early in life to look at the future and plan for the future, so we just stumble into life daily, and whatever the day or year brings to us we accept it, we were not taught to Plan and take actions, some of us left that to our parents alone and truth be told some parents didn’t do a good job planning their kids future, and really you can’t blame them, they did the best they could do according to the knowledge they had.

But it’s never too late to turn the table around, the first thing I did this year was to be honest with myself and know the state where I am, I looked at where I am now and what I am doing now, does it connect to the type of future I want to have, am I heading to the right direction?
 So I was taking Stock of my current situation, and deciding where I needed to make a change, decided to set new goals and targets, and thereby clearly stating my Vision, the scripture says ‘’write the vision and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it’’(Habakkuk 2:2).

Now that the vision is clearly stated, the next thing is to start immediately. Procrastination is the very first thing that kills goals. Tailor your time and efforts towards your goal, write out your action plans, and then start working towards them every day, at least every day you should be involved in things that takes you closer and closer to that bigger picture that you have set before you. By doing this you are Scheduling your days, then you realize that you give priorities to things in your life, and then you have no time to waste being around loafers because you have a goal, a vision, and the time is ticking!.

This year I have decided not to live an accidental life, I want every day to count. What about you? Let’s work together to number our days, it doesn’t mean we won’t have fun and play a little, but let’s set goals and make them SMART.
S – Specific
M- Measurable
A – Achievable
R – Realistic
T- Timed.

Happy New Year
Photo Credit: Google


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