He Loves Me; He Loves Me Not!!
Feyi: I think he loves me!
Duni: How do you know he loves you?
Feyi: The way he looks at me; it feels like butterflies in my stomach.
Duni: Hmmm!
Duni: Hmmm!
Duni: How does that feeling of butterflies in your stomach describes love?
Feyi: (Rolling her eyes at Dunni) Duh! It’s the feeling of excitement,
something bubbling on the inside. It’s what we call ATTRACTION Girl!
Duni: (shaking her head) Wake up Girl! Your Life is not M&B Romance. For me I don’t think that’s Love.
Feyi: So Mrs Know all, what’s your definition of Love?
Duni: (scratches her head) Well I don’t know,
Feyi: (interrupting Duni, rolling her eyes) obviously you don’t know what Love is.
Dunni: Yeah, because I have not been in love before. But if you want my
candid opinion: I think love is about Action, more than Feeling.
Feyi: Hmmm! philosopher, explain please
Duni: God so Love the world that He Gave His Only Begotten Son…, So my
theory of Love is selfless giving; sacrifice and mutual respect. Love is
not selfish, neither is it based on feelings.
Feyi: (nodding her head; trying to think deeply) Wow! That’s profound. I have never thought of Love that way.
Duni: So what happens when the butterfly feelings is no longer there?
What happens the day he offends you, or the day he does not buy you
gifts or show you Love/ what happens then?
Feyi: Ehen! Seriously I will just break up with him.
Duni: (laughing) like you did with Stevens two years ago, and Seun Last year, Lol!
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