Passion Of Christ!!


  The Cross was as heavy as Lead Still

  As He trudged the dusty road up to Calvary's Hill

  His Body Mangled and Torn from the Soldiers Whip

 He kept climbing the Hill, Silently as Gentle as a Sheep

 He Spared a glance at the young Lady hurling Stones at Him;

And wondered, knowing that He bore that cross to save her from her life of Sin

The Blow from the young man wielding a club made from Steel; hit Him Hard

The very same man whose Sickness He came to Heal.

What wicked Generation was This?

He almost wished this Cup Over Him:

But Suddenly, He looked up and saw the billions who were bound in the Bondage of sin;

Utterly Lost and Hopeless

'' For this Cause Came He!

 And of this Sort, His End Must Be;

With Renewed Vigour, He Grabbed the cross closer and

Increased His Pace; lifting the wooden Emblem with a Warriors Grace;

Raising it like a flag; hurrying to His death like an athlete aiming to win a Race

And so He Laid His Life on that cross;

He died; He was Buried

But He AROSE Triumphantly on the Third Day

And now we celebrate His Triumphant Resurrection!''

His Resurrection Gives Hope, Joy, Victory and Promises a Glorious Future.

Alas! What Sort of Man is This!



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